Blog, Nos services

Implantation : Témoignage client

Témoignage client

Tech Tablet a à cœur de s’améliorer chaque jour. C’est pourquoi les retours et témoignages de clients sont pour nous essentiels. Toute l’équipe est comblée, lorsqu’elle a des retours comme celui de Stéphane Khalil, gérant du magasin à Pelissanne (13).
" I boosted my sales thanks to this "
How did you come up with the idea of reworking your store layout?
Not wanting to rest on my laurels and having seen the communication on your website, I thought it was important to get the opinion of a professional
How long did it take?
It took about 2 weeks to get everything in place, exchange ideas, and work together on my store
Are you satisfied with the outcome (visual and model choices)?
I am very satisfied, the visual is much more harmonious, there is logic and ease in finding the right products.
What is the impact on sales?
I boosted my sales of products (excluding Apple) that were lagging behind, and I also significantly improved my sales on orders for products that I don't have in stock, because customers can visualize the products and product lines better and project themselves more effectively.
Un grand merci à Stéphane pour son témoignage !
Nous remercions également chacun de nos clients et partenaires, qui nous aident à progresser en toute bienveillance et nous encourage à chaque service que nous mettons en place.